Create The Best Solution
< 2011~2021 >
■ Extended the 4th factory of GIO-FLEX CO.,LTD.
■ Set-up eco-friendly dust collection facility in GIO-TECH
■ Pass the inspection of Chemical substance management.
■ GIO-LITE LUMIAN CO.,LTD has selected as Global small hidden champion.
■ Established GIO-LIFE CO.,LTD for face mask and supply the mask to Seoul Metropolitan goverment. ( IㆍSEOULㆍU )
■ Introduce automated laser system
■ Build Smart Factory.
■ Launch a new business (security film)
■ Established the 3rd factory of GIO-FLEX CO., LTD.
■ Started sales on Amazon site
■ Established JeongGum GS Global CO., LTD. For cosmetic and golf bag business
■ Changed the company name of WORLD-FLEX REF CO., LTD. to GIO-FLEX CO.,LTD.
■ Extended the 2nd factory of GIO-FLEX CO., LTD.
■ CEO of GIOLITE-LUMIAN CO., LTD., Simon Choi received award for contribution to trade from Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy
■ Extended the factory building of WORLD-FLEX REF CO.,LTD.
■ Increased coating lines in the factory WORLD-FLEX REF CO., LTD.
■ Set up graphic design team for sample work in GIOLITE-LUMIAN CO., LTD.
■ Established a Welding Processing Plant of GIOLITE-LUMIAN CO., LTD.
■ Established the 2nd factory of WORLD-FLEX REF CO., LTD.
■ Acquired ‘INNO-BIZ’ from SMBA in Korea (Small and Medium Business Association)
■ WORLD-FLEX REF CO., LTD. was designated as a ‘Clean Place for Work’ from KOSHA
(Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency)
■ Established GIO-SOLTECH CO., LTD. for Biodegradable Plastic
■ Set up R&D center in WORLD-FLEX REF CO., LTD.
■ Established ZERO-TECH CO., LTD. for Silk Screen printing plant
■ Obtained ANSI 107, NFPA 1971, NFPA 2112 for FR-120AF (reflective flame retardant tape).
■ Passed the tests for Avery Dennison’s RSL standard and certified by Intertex for GIO-GRAPHIC SILVER